Enhanced collaboration amongst stakeholders and partners is the key factor to consider in an effort to eradicate all forms of violence against women and girls. It is against this background that MAGGA conducted a four-day training of law enforcers, judicial personnel and health workers in clinical management of rape/SGBV, PSS and referral services. The training was aimed at enhancing the capacity of health personnel, law enforcers and social workers on how to sensitize communities on GBV issues, proper referral and clinical management of GBV Cases, giving proper psychosocial support to GBV survivors and understanding judicial procedures and related sections.
The training was conducted at MANAC Conference Centre in Dowa from 05th to 08th October, 2021. Participants were selected from all Traditional authorities that EVAWG project is targeting.
A team of experienced health personnel, judiciary officers, VSU officers and social welfare officers facilitated the training. This was aimed at ensuring that all participants are equipped with correct and practical based knowledge that will enhance their knowledge and skills when handling GBV Cases. The training was officially opened by an officer from the Ministry of Gender, community development and social welfare. MAGGA staff also clarified the Ending Violence Against Women and Young Girls project to ensure that all participants involved in the training understand the project Goal, expected outcomes and interventions to be used.
To ensure that the training fully meets the desired outcomes, it covered all relevant topics such as understand personal values, Introduction to child abuse, child protection and participation, Malawi law and roles of police and prosecutors, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Child marriages, Traditional practices: Keep, Change, stop, Seeking Consent, Sexual abuse, diagnosis & treatment, Domestic violence and emotion abuse, Physical injuries in child abuse & domestic violence, Report writing & documentation of the abuse, testifying in court, GBV referral system; Types of cases and process to follow in specific cases, Referral institutions and COVID19.