Annie Anusa a counselor at the traditional Nsondo ‘an initiation ceremony for girls’ said that as councilors they ensure that they give age appropriate education to the children that are being initiated.
“For girls below the age of twelve we advise them on how they have to politely behave in society while at the initiation camps for girls that have started menstruation we advise them on how they can lead sexually healthy lives as young adults,” she said.
She said the girls that have started menstruation are advised on the different stages of their sexual maturity to avoid unplanned pregnancies.
She added that the emphasis of the Nsondo initiation rites was specifically to equip the young girls with cultural values.
“We ensure that we give girls information that is appropriate to their age because we avoid encouraging them to get involved in sexual activities,” she said.
She explained that on sexuality the councilors advise the girls to abstain from engaging in sexual activity to prevent contracting STIs and HIV and AIDS.
“We currently don’t sing obscene songs anymore as we noticed that these songs were fueling sex among the youth. The practice was stopped following the intervention of Malawi Girls Guides,” she said.
She said the information shared is tailor made in a way that girls get knowledge depending to their age.