Story About
Who We Are
non-political, non-religious and self-governing. It is open to
all girls and young women without distinction of creed,
race, nationality, or any other circumstances.
Our Mission
socially, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually...

Our Vision
empowered to realize their fullest potential as responsible...


Initiation and marriage counselors embrace CSE
Annie Anusa a counselor at the traditional Nsondo ‘an initiation ceremony for girls’ said that as councilors they ensure that they give age appropriate education to the children that are being initiated.
Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people.

Averting EUP
Sakina Belekina, another young person accessing services from Golomoti health center, said the
Free from STIs
Simon Asafu said the Comprehensive Sexuality Education has empowered him with the right
Holistic, yet focused
George Ngayiyaye District Education Manager for Dedza said sexuality education is very
Below are some of the featured captured stories
Featured Projects
Below are some of the featured projects we are currently undertaking

Action for Adolescent Girls
The project has invested in girls’ education through distribution of push bicycles to 880 ..

Safeguard Young People Program (SYP)
The Project is being implemented in six districts of Mangochi, Salima, Chiradzulu, Dedza, Mchinji and Chikwawa.

National Alcohol Policy Implementation Program
This Project is funded by Norwegian Campaign for Development and Solidarity (FORUT)..