- Rights Based alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention among Girls and Young
This Project is funded by Norwegian Campaign for Development and Solidarity (FORUT). The project is currently being implemented in Lilongwe district and is aimed at preventing alcohol and drug abuse among in-and-out-of school youth through behavioral change communication interventions. The project aims to motivate positive behavior change among in and out of school youth particularly, girls and young women, increase awareness on effects of drug and alcohol abuse among youth, parents and community leaders ,Equip youth with skills, knowledge and adequate and accurate information on drug and alcohol abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention, impart life skills to youths in order to enhance their decision making capabilities, Equip girls will skills to resist peer pressure, build the capacity of Staff, Volunteers, Community Members working with Girl Guides, Girls and Young Women to effectively and efficiently implement the drug and alcohol abuse prevention project in the communities.
The primary target audience (beneficiaries) for the project is in-and-out-of-school youth particularly girls and young women (10-24 years). The secondary target for the project is community/religious leaders, parents, teachers and their male counterparts (boys aged 10 –24 years). The project is being implemented in Lilongwe District in 13 Educational Zones namely targeting 172 schools; Mvunguti, Likuni, Kafulu, Chiwoko, Mitundu, Ching’ombe, Njewa, Nkhoma, Chimutu, Malikha, Mchemani, Mteza, Balang’ombe.
- Happy family program
This is a pilot project being implemented in Patsankhondo village. The project aims at increasing parent child communication. The project in linked to gender issued and the link that exist between drug and alcohol abuse and masculinity. Participating couples have stopped drinking and there is improved communication between them and their children.
- Children’s Campaign Project
The project is being implemented in group village bawatere in Lilongwe district. The project aims at helping marginalized children. One of the children who is principal beneficially is lines. The project has seen a school block being built and a two houses for marginalized children in the village. Foodstuffs of maize were also distributed in the village during the drought.